Michels Canada - North Shore Conveyance - Lions Gate Metro-Van Project

Date Posted : August 19, 2020

in : Projects

A new pump station and new pipes are being built as part of the North Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant. The new pump station and pipes are needed to move wastewater from the existing Lions Gate Wastewater Treatment Plant to the new Plant, and to move treated wastewater from the new plant to the existing outfall pipe.

The new First Narrows Pump Station will be located near the existing Lions Gate Wastewater Treatment Plant. With plant construction underway, the Conveyance Project represents the next step in the overall North Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant program. The final step, decommissioning the existing Lions Gate Wastewater Treatment Plant, will begin in the mid-2020s and the land will be returned to Squamish Nation.


    For more information, please visit this website.